Vendor Management is a key indicator of your company's performance. The more efficient you are with your Account Payable Process, the better is the position of your services in the market.

  • 50% of companies globally are using the "Invoice Workflow Automation Tool".
  • 48% of the manual handling of Invoice Processing leads to inefficiency in the process with 34% of the time, the data facing errors or missing values.
  • A recent Survey has clearly stated that a non-automation company spends more than $10 per invoice.

Pigeon iVIPS will make your company stand out in the market with its integrated Vendor Management approach and will promise you to deliver a very cost-saving efficient Account Payable Process.

FeatSystems Pigeon

About PIGEON iVIPS (Intelligent Vendor Invoice Processing System)

PIGEON-iVIPS is a next-generation Intelligent Vendor Invoice Processing System that has been specifically designed to address the challenges of current and post-COVID-19 scenarios. In today's fast-paced business environment, manually handling accounts payable activities such as generating invoices, data validation, processing, and payment can be both time-consuming and prone to human errors. This can have a significant impact on a company's bottom line and requires an efficient and error-free solution.

PIGEON-iVIPS offers a unique solution to this challenge by streamlining the invoice processing cycle, reducing the cost per invoice, conducting market research, and negotiating with vendors, all while maintaining a strong relationship with suppliers. This is achieved through an integrated approach to vendor management that leverages cutting-edge technologies such as AI and RPA.

By automating the accounts payable process, PIGEON-iVIPS significantly reduces the invoice cycle time, allowing businesses to focus on more important tasks. Moreover, the system's AI-driven capabilities ensure accurate data extraction and validation, minimizing the risk of human error and improving the overall efficiency of the accounts payable process. PIGEON-iVIPS is a unique and innovative solution that offers an integrated approach to vendor management, making it an essential tool for businesses looking to optimize their account payable processes and maintain healthy supplier relationships.

PIGEON iVIPS Key Features





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How PIGEON iVIPS works?

  • PIGEON-iVIPS is a cutting-edge Intelligent Vendor Invoice Processing System that offers a unique approach to vendor management. One of its key features is the ability to securely store vendor data in the cloud network, which ensures maximum efficiency and accuracy.
  • The system leverages OCR and AI technology to read receipts digitally, collect required information, and analyze data to provide intelligent insights for publishing and payment for vendors. By automating these tasks, businesses can save time and reduce the likelihood of errors that can negatively impact the bottom line.
  • In addition to streamlining the vendor management process, PIGEON-iVIPS offers an integrated approach that enables virtual bots to assist the system and direct complex transactions to the manual workforce, reducing the overall burden on humans. This approach not only saves time but also offers a cost-effective solution for businesses by eliminating manual errors and optimizing their accounts payable processes.
  • This intelligent system enables businesses to get the best possible deals with their suppliers, thereby enhancing their overall profitability. By providing detailed insights and analysis, PIGEON-iVIPS transforms vendor management into a digital process that is more efficient and effective.

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